Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Creative Habit Questions

1. The first creative moment I can remember was at Disney World and want on stage to be a part of a pick up "preformance" of Beauty and the Beast. I was roughly 5 or 6 years old and coincidentally this moment sparked my interest in acting.
2. My family was there to appreciate it and to encourage me. After the production, I said that I liked the experience and my parents started explaining what acting was to me and from then on, I wanted to be an actor.
3. I'm not sure what my best idea was but I assume I could say it would be to pursue acting. It's become such a passion for me, it feels like part of my life that I can't part with. Life wouldn't be the same without acting in my life.
4. What made it great in my mind at the time was having the opportunity to be someone else. I wanted to be someone I wasn't and I still do because I find it interesting to see how other people with a different personality may act.
5/6. The dumbest idea I had (or at the dumbest I can think of) is not wanting to do a singing competition because I would get judged. My excuse was that I didn't want to get judged on something I love to do because it took the fun out of it. But no matter where or what I do, I'll be judged for it whether I like it or know it or not. So after being convinced and after I convinced myself, I sucked it up and joined the competiton.
7. To be perfectly honest, I have no idea what led me to this idea. Probably the fact that I thought all competitions are based of popularity and not who actually is most talented or qualified. I still think that but I just sucked it up and did the competition anyway.

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