Monday, January 30, 2012


     Expressionism was an art movement about death and the disasters humans witness. This is not one of the more uplifting, interesting art movements. It's more frightening and creepy. I am not that into Expressionism from what I know about it. I don't think I could relate to death.
     It makes sense for this type of art movement to be created. During the time it was created, World War I was going on. It was not a good time. World War I marked a change in warfare permanently with the new machine gun technology. Wars were more brutal and frightening, not that they weren't frightening before. So, I am not surprised Expressionism came out of this. Death and human disasters seem be a major part of World War I and Expressionism is the art that came out of it.
    If war never occurred, I think Expressionism would exist because there is still death and disasters. Although it would be a little different because it would be displaying different forms of human struggles. Ultimately, Expressionism expresses human struggles and pain. Whether war caused it or not, it would exist because there is still death and disasters.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Time Flies

I can't believe how fast freshman year is going. STAC Auditions have past and new people are being accepted. The year is already half over. I feel like there isn't enough time in a day, week, etc. Soon, the seniors in STAC will leave and become Alumni and go off to college. One year together simply is not enough. I never paid attention to the speed of time. I'm always saying the days are going by slowly and to be honest, they are. But the weeks, months, and years go by way very fast. So what I am really trying to say is use your time wisely.

Friday, January 13, 2012

STAC Live 2012

Well, being that I am a freshman in STAC, this was my first STAC Live. And, it was really great! Even though we had changes on a short notice, it turned out amazing. We adapted to the changes really smoothly and to be honest, I'm not that surprised. STAC consists of many talented and smart people. I had no doubts; I knew we could pull it off. Based on the audience's reactions, I think they really loved it! We are going to have our hands quite full when auditions come around. A lot of people are going to be auditioning this year.

Again, great job everyone! Great show!

Monday, January 2, 2012


People say that they usually remember the bad things that happen to them and
forget most of the good things. This is unfortunately the way our minds work
and I find this a shame. So, I'd like remember the best thing that happened to
me in 2011. STAC was probably the best thing that happened to me in 2011.
Everyone is welcoming and friendly and we all share the same passions. It's
great to have a group of people really similar to you because you can relate to
them. Even though I was in STAC for less than half of 2011, it left a huge
impact on my life and it will continue to do that for a long, long time.