Thursday, December 22, 2011

STAC Trip Dec. 16

As usual, I'm late with putting up a blog post. But anyway, last week STAC went on another one of their fabulous trips. We went to the Guggenheim museum. I've never seen any museum like this one in my life which is really that long but you get the idea. All of the art work was hanging from the ceiling. I found this very unique and an interesting way to show art. I also noticed that each piece of art had a similar duplicate. This, I'm pretty sure, is not a coincidence and was planned. I would love to go back to this museum at a one point.
We also went to see a Shakespearean show named "Cymbeline." This was my first Shakespearean show. This show was absolutely phenomenal. The acting was exquisite. The actors were really into their roles and although the show had many serious moments, it also had many comedic moments. I think that having some laughs when you have a show with many serious moments is important because if the entire show has a serious tone to it, there is not a large range of emotions.
Overall, this STAC trip was great. I can't wait until our next STAC trip. But, I do not think that any museum will be as unique as the Guggenheim.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Army of the 12 Monkeys

In my opinion, The Army of the 12 Monkeys was a freaky movie. Someone creating a disease that killed 99% of the human population is realistic. That could actually happen at some point in the future. That's why I found this movie to be so freaky! Most of the movie was realistic. Well, I don't really know if time travel will be possible. Obviously it's impossible now, but we don't know what we will be able to do in the future. Someone from the future could come back. What do we know? But, you can't change time. So even if a deadly disease was created and killed most of the human race, it can't be change. Time is time, what happens, happens and it can't be changed. So that's why the Army of the 12 Monkeys is so freaky to me; because it is somewhat realistic. That's what makes movies freaky for me; something bad happens and that bad thing is realistic.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Rules are Created For A Reason

Why are there always so many rules wherever you go? To insure order and safetey. What happens when people don't follow the rules? Bad things, very bad things. Although rules are very annoying at times, they help keep society safe. Saftey is or should be a priority in everyone lives. Yes, rules are broken all the time and if the rule is something small like don't text during a movie, that's really not going to harm anyone. But when other rules are broken, it can lead to severely bad things. For example, getting into a brawl. Fighting is against the rules just about everywhere except warzones. Fights to the extreme can lead to death. One bad thing leads to a chain of pain, suffering and sorrow. What good comes out of that? None in my eyes.