Saturday, January 12, 2013

Audition Workshop Response

Audition Prep
1) I prepared for the audition by analyzing the script. I listed my character's objectives and tactics and then read the script aloud, deciding whether or not the tactic worked for that particular line.
2) Yes, I did apply previous techniques and strategies. Most, if not all of the skills I learned in last year's acting session were applied somehow in my preparation.
3) I did not research very much. The situation of the scenes was something I had knowledge of beforehand. Also, the week was hectic. Had I not been so preoccupied with my academics and extracurricular activities, I probably would have done research.
4) I approached the script with a process. I read the script to in my head a few times so I had a feel for the script. Then I analyzed it trying to figure out objectives and tactics. Then I read the script out loud and made any adjustments to the tactics that I felt were necessary.
Audition Itself
1) I think the audition went alright. I did as I was told and made the adjustments I was told to make. I guess you could call those my "strengths." As for shortcomings, I probably could have asked a question or two about the script before I started to have a better understanding of the script.
2) I applied the information received at the audition by changing the way my character approached his objective as most of the information I received was feedback on my first reading of the scenes.
3) I could not tell you if whether or not I got the part. Even if the way I acted the part was what they were looking for, I may not have the right hair color or I could be too tall or some other physical feature could have gotten in the way. Getting a part doesn't just rely on how well the audition went, a lot of being casted is how look and if you don't have the look for the part, you don't get it.

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