Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Something New

In STAC today, the acting people were put into groups to create STAC Live commericals. Now this year being my first year in STAC, I really wasn't sure what to expect. The only limits on the commercial was that it eventually needs to connect to STAC somehow, it must be exactly 50 seconds, and everyone must play the same character (that's my group's specific limitation). The last limitation was new for me. I have never been in a production or project where everyone had to play the same character. I didn't see how that would work out with everyone playing the same character. But, then I remembered Metamorpheses and how in Vertumnus and Pamona, Vertumnus was portrayed as a farmer, soldier, fisherman, and someone picking apples. Each person was still the character Vertumnus but different actors were playing Vertumnus. So, that eventually led me thinking that is one way we could do everyone playing the same character. That idea helped my group or at least me branch out into more ideas.
I'm curious to see as to how this commerical will turn out!

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